I am a storyteller first and foremost.
So, let’s start with a story.

When I was 11 years old, my mom picked me up from school for a doctor’s appointment. What she didn’t tell me? It was a vet appointment for my cat, who we were going to put down. I remember holding her in my arms as she died—the limp weight of her, and the tears that burned the backs of my eyes. But I also remember the beauty of it, a deep sense of circuity that has, to this day, permeated the way I see the world.

I’m afraid of death, perhaps not dissimilarly to most people. But while I fear mortality, I also find it beautiful. And that’s not exactly normal.

My career began in 2009 when, after graduating college with two degrees in English Literature and Filmmaking, I decided to create self-portraits. They ranged from me playing dead in a freezer, to playing dead in a parking lot, to playing dead in a…you get the idea. I didn’t know why I was so drawn to these depictions at the time, but over the course of my career I realized that getting closer to what I’m afraid of gives it less power over me.

My work spans from novel writing to fine art photography to mixed media to motivational speaking. In every form, my message is the same: let’s create a grief-positive movement that allows more bravery in the face of what we fear.

I’ve made it a mission to do what scares me. Like in 2019, when I became a foster mother and went on to parent six kids who mean the world to me—all of whom I’ve said goodbye to. I measure my life not in how fearless I am, but how brave I can be in the face of it. To examine what scares me, and name it.

If my art can shed light on those dark places for someone else, I’ll consider the whole thing a success.

I’m a joyful person who just happens to love examining darkness, grief, and what it means to be alive.

A Little Extra…

I live in Flagstaff, Arizona. I hike daily, create daily, and eat copious amounts of vegan food. As an avid fantasy/sci-fi reader, most of my free time is spent in a book. The fastest way to my heart is through a book rec.

If I’m not making new images, I’m writing. Art has taken me to 22 countries and counting, and I love to explore new places. My biggest weakness is impatience, and my greatest strength is determination. A friend once described me as “the most normal weird person” she knows, and I think it’s because I’m equal parts type A and type B personality. INFJ, 3w4.

I’m socially anxious but feel entirely at home on a stage in front of thousands. I don’t live near many friends but consider my online community like family. I’m scared of many things but fearless in the face of a challenge. I think baths are gross but love jumping in slimy ponds. One of my tattoos is a quote from Walt Whitman: “I contain multitudes.”

I’m glad you’re here.

Brooke’s philosophy and creative process.

In every great story, there is fear. And in every great story, there is bravery. Watch as Brooke shares how all of her art is influenced by fear, and how she confronts those fears head on to gain more control in her life and craft.

Behind the shot.

Watch how Brooke conceptualizes and creates.